Thursday, April 26, 2012

My mini wish list

I know. I'm supposed to study for my finals now! Just gimme a break and day dream awhile. list down things I want, yup My wish list.

My wish list :

1) Starbucks tumbler
It looks so cool. What so cool? because it looks just like any other Starbucks
How great if I have it? I can just bring it to campus everyday and fill up coffee from cafeteria G, since I buy coffee there almost everyday.hmm I can save tonnes of plastic cups :)) so environmental friendly.

2) Polaroid camera
I want this since decades ago. I feel so jelly when I see someone else having it. I wanna take nice pic on special occasions and paste them all on my room wall.

3)Semi Pro DSLR
semi pro DSLR is good enough for me, I don't need DSLR, it's just heavy and bulky for me to bring around I guess. Moreover, I'm not a pro photographer.

4) Watch
I want a gold watch, a watch in gold color, I want a Triwa watch, Marc Jacobs watch? pretty please :)

5) Happiness
Yes, I need happiness. I don't wanna live in a sad, dull, pathetic life. I want happiness and I wanna be a happy person.

That's all for now.
P/s: Im not hinting anyone to buy stuff for me, but I don't mind if you insist to perceive that way : )

Monday, April 23, 2012

sweet home

Went back to hometown for the weekend.
I just felt so much better after seeing my parents and my family.
I know, I know they are always there for me. Home is always the best place for rehabs, no?

I'm mentally rejuvenated now, time for revision!

look at this, I purposely make it hazy because of our disastrous eye bags and dark circles.

Sometimes, we just need to obscure our vision from imperfection, to make our life a little better. This is true.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

neighbourhood, love

The first time ever I had a barbecue gathering with my housemates, it feels great!

enjoy the food together, girls talk, photo session.
Somehow, I get to know each of them even better now, a little about their problems, a little about their life.

I'm truly glad that I'm part of the house of 1314.
This is simply because my housemates are nice. unlike some friend's cases. They don't know people who stay under the same roof even after a sem/year. Don't know their name, hometown, not even a thing. The only thing they know about the ''housemates'', I guess is only their gender. Their housemates don't have the courtesy to interact and showing no respect, this is very harsh for both parties. Why can't be a little friendly?
Of course, this is just a minority I believe.
There are a lot of adv of being nice to each other

advantages of knowing your housemates: -

1) when my detergent finished, I can borrow from them
2) when I'm hungry, housemate offer to pack food for me.
3) you can play cards, ''heart attack'' with housemates on a very boring and lifeless night.
4) they are willing to teach you if you need help on your studies
5) you see human beings with smile, with facial expressions when you are homed but not a bunch of zombies
6) etc

1) when you are homed in the midnight, don't have to worry because there's always someone there playing game, complement with loud music with the room door opened. make you feel safe.
Do I sound sarcastic? I'm NOT, really.

(this is specially for Ah Fhong, we gonna miss you since you are shifting )


Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Painful Fact

I've learned quite a few things within the first quarter of 2012:

Firstly, friendship is more fragile than a bubble

Secondly, no matter how hard I try to improve myself, if you are at that level, you are forever there

Thirdly, nobody will stay by your side forever

Fourthly, someone whom you care a lot actually value someone else more than you! (ps: yea, that person is very good and decent. GOOD for YOU. Sorry if I said anything which degraded your goddess )

Fifthly, you will only be respected if and only if you are capable.

Perhaps, these are the ugly facts about life.
Do I sound emo here? I hope not because I told myself not to rant about any emotional and depressing post on my blog! I believe nobody wants to get affected by my negative emotions!

Friday, April 13, 2012

Who's that new girl?

Does anyone here watch this series named ''New Girl''?
Zooey deschanel is the New girl, she's a teacher in this series, is always blur and funny.
I kinda like her ''teacher style'' in this series, something which is not too revealing,
always with a little polka dots, floral or ribbon printing. Sometimes, with peter pan collar, sometimes with cute little puffy sleeves.

and Of course she always wear something with very cheerful color!

I found an online boutique which is selling something similar to Zooey Deschanel (jess) style for its new arrivals.
take a look at images below:

This is what jess usually wears in New Girl. Yes, she loves dresses.

This is what I found from the online store , laquinnox

isn't it similar?

this is the store,
have a look if you are interested :)

*************************************************************************** The opening song of New Girl, it's worth watching.
It's the highest rated show for now I heard.

April 13,2012

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Reverie Stardream

Stardream was good! I don't know how should I blog about it so Ill let pictures do all the work + a little description ;)

I followed the committee and performers bus and head to Penang at 9am instead of 12pm.
I was already so so excited when I see the Penang bridge. Look at this picture. seriously love the cruise, it's so nice. photo captured at deck 10. Such a breathtaking view !!

one of the corridors in Libra cruise :)
Newspaper time for Mr.Loke while waiting to check-in. Uncle betul

This is how everyone's room looks like, RM260 per pax for the whole trip. Apparently it's not the usual price of the package. You need to pay at least RM440 to get on Star Cruise. Thanks to UTAR event, we got student price TEEHEE(photo credit: Xiao Pei)

night schedule
7pm Opening ceremony
8-10pm dinner time
10-12am Stardream ball night

During dinner time, every participants get to choose any one of the restaurants in Libra. We chose Ocean Palace, the Chinese restaurant, It wasn't a good idea, the food wasn't satisfying I guess

First pic of the night, taken in Ocean palace Restaurant

All of us feel so so excited for this event
and everyone dolled up for the night :)

The ball night started at 10pm. the performance was impressive, and I love the atmosphere, it's so grand and relaxing at the same time. Those who didn't make it for Stardream seriously missed out A LOT.

Guess what? This is my first time seeing Lai Kuan wearing a dress! I never see her in a dress or skirt before this. seriously.
Message to Lai Kuan : [plss wear dress and skirt more often, you are a girl and dresses are made for girls :) you look great in dress ]


hmmm.. I kinda like this pic, thanks to L.K & X.P for capturing this awesome moment :))


The next day, sunrise session and pool party. I missed out the sunrise. BIG LOST

Nice pic of them.

I guess that's all about it.

I wish to go again, with my family and friends of course.
This is another memorable event in my life

a romantic ball night on a cruise together with a few hundred of your university friends. This is definitely once in a life time!

event details: Stardream
April 7,2012- April 8,2012 ; Star cruise Libra, Penang
Organized by, SRC Utar, Perak campus

April 12,2012

Monday, April 9, 2012

one for one

TOMS shoes, a shoe brand that I like a lot lately.
It's not available in Malaysia yet, so I got myself a pair from Singapore before this year Chinese new year. (sis helped me to get it actually)
I saw a pic on web, a pic of Tiffany wearing it. I already in love with that pair of shoes.
Members from Girl's Generation are wearing Toms shoes too!

There are a lot of categories of designs: glitter, artist, ballet flat, classic canvas and so on.To see all the designs, you can click here.
I personally like glitter, and classic.

I own a pair of red classic canvas

TOMS shoes for wedding, isn't it cool??
I don't mind wearing it on my wedding! :)

For every pair sold, a new pair would be donated to a child in need of shoes. You'll get to see this line on the shoe box and YES, we're kinda like doing charity if we purchase TOMS shoes.
Moreover, it's really light and comfy to wear :))

April 9,2012

Friday, April 6, 2012

Station 18

My day

1pm online register and bid for next sem timetable
3.30pm girls outing at Aeon Station 18
8.30pm full rehearsal for Stardream
2.oo am ''Dinner'' time

Finally get to shop after so long! Joey and I went to this new Jusco in Ipoh, Aeon Station18.
The outing was fun, had a great talk with her. We basically stay in Aeon for 3hours only, since I need to rush back to Kampar for rehearsal. really wanted to catch a movie, but too bad, next time joey :)

There's 'Cotton On' there, the first 'Cotton On' in Ipoh. haha
We both bought the same long cardigan. thanks to the stupid promotion
1 for RM 79, 2 for RM 75 -.-

Picture of the day

Gonna go Penang in 5 hours time. Star cruise.
and yea, I'm gonna be 1 of the emcees for Stardream event
hope everything goes well :)

April 7,2012

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Style Scrapbook

I wanted to be a fashion designer, I'm serious.. but my parents against the idea,
so yea,.. I ended up taking form6 and now taking business degree.
Still, my interest towards fashion is still there.
I'm not a very stylish person but I've got my own style I guess. Some people might find it weird.

who cares? One men's meat is another men's poison. Everyone has unique preference!
Okay, since fashion is one of my interest. So I'll be sharing a lot about fashion stuff on my blog! :)
stay tuned...

April 5,2012

Wednesday, April 4, 2012


True, I might be looking fine, heehee haahaa everyday, as if my life is easy and perfect.
but you have no idea what I really feel deep down and what I'm going through each day.
Don't judge me as if you know me well

April 4,2012

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

A beautiful night

Im a very active person in Uni. For people who know me well, they'll know I like to get myself involve in events.
Just recently Ive done with my last event, - FBF night 2012.
Im just the secretary in the committee, but I was kinda like hmm.. jack of all trades.
I was involved in deco, class tour, video making and so on.
I got to try new things through this event, emcee and video director!
First time being an emcee for a mega event, 400 participants and my emcee partners are superb! they have experience in hosting 30 over big events!
Huge challenge for me, I enjoyed it though :)

First pic of the night, the only pic in my phone :(
was wearing my sis's dress, she got it 6 yrs ago. from [Eclipse]
love it

look at my noob face. I got so attracted by the band performance.

2 very good looking guys from my course!
Farn feng and Bryan

(Farn Feng, Joselyn, Joey, Jayremy)

(with my partner, Farn Feng)
look at this. seems romantic huh.. It was a mess, we basically laughed throughout the whole dance. and we learn the dance few hours before the event. not too bad actually.

The committee

event details: FBF night 2012, BELLANOCHE
7pm-11pm, at block A heritage hall, UTAR perak campus.

Promotional video making (1 month before the event)

we shoot the video from 4pm-9pm in the library.
really had fun working with them, awesome people!
great experience as a director.
here is the video :

see ya!!

April 3,2012

Monday, April 2, 2012


I used to have a blog, a blog I shared with another 3 close friends during form 6.
but it has been abandoned long time ago.
After thinking twice or maybe more than that, I decided to start a new blog.
I really need a blog to record what happened in my life, especially when I'm such a forgetful person, I'm afraid that I can't recall a thing when I'm old. hmm
and of course, my life is interesting, to me at least!
so yea, here comes my first post of my NEW blog ! :)

This is how it looks like, my old blog. lol

April 2,2012