Thursday, April 19, 2012

neighbourhood, love

The first time ever I had a barbecue gathering with my housemates, it feels great!

enjoy the food together, girls talk, photo session.
Somehow, I get to know each of them even better now, a little about their problems, a little about their life.

I'm truly glad that I'm part of the house of 1314.
This is simply because my housemates are nice. unlike some friend's cases. They don't know people who stay under the same roof even after a sem/year. Don't know their name, hometown, not even a thing. The only thing they know about the ''housemates'', I guess is only their gender. Their housemates don't have the courtesy to interact and showing no respect, this is very harsh for both parties. Why can't be a little friendly?
Of course, this is just a minority I believe.
There are a lot of adv of being nice to each other

advantages of knowing your housemates: -

1) when my detergent finished, I can borrow from them
2) when I'm hungry, housemate offer to pack food for me.
3) you can play cards, ''heart attack'' with housemates on a very boring and lifeless night.
4) they are willing to teach you if you need help on your studies
5) you see human beings with smile, with facial expressions when you are homed but not a bunch of zombies
6) etc

1) when you are homed in the midnight, don't have to worry because there's always someone there playing game, complement with loud music with the room door opened. make you feel safe.
Do I sound sarcastic? I'm NOT, really.

(this is specially for Ah Fhong, we gonna miss you since you are shifting )


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